Why partner with PressNetworks ?
PressNetworks delivers more than 2 million magazines every year in France.
To face new issues of publishers, we provide you access to innovative diffusion operations on a qualified target audience in agreement with your brand positioning.
Your advantages
Optimize the first reading of your magazines and extend your recognition.
Increase your key figures and your audience.
Obtain a qualified target.
Forget your removal expenses.
Hotelier's digital newstand
PressEasy is a digital kiosk available to hotel partners' clients that is integrated in an e-concierge app.
Customers will be able to download your magazines as long as they stay in the hotel.
- Reach " connected " clients
- Increase your key figures at lower cost
- Respond to your customers' new expectations
- Divide your copy cost by twelve
- Take full advantage of this new distribution channel
- Be present in more than 2,600 already settled hotels
Digital sales with PressEasy
PressEasy and LoungeUp partnership
Public.A is associated with e-concierge's leader LoungeUp to create PressEasy
In addition to the digital kiosk, hoteliers can inform, communicate and sell their services to their customers via the app.
There is already more than 2,600 hotels partners.
How It Works
1Retrieval of unsold magazines
We retrieve your unsold magazines at your storehouses or at MLP / Prestalis
2Logistics team in
Our logistics team Northern France receives the magazines, sorts them and pack them
The magazines are delivered to more than
3 500 subscribers by a private society
4Over 50 readers per magazine
Obtain over 50,000 readers with more than 50 pick-ups per magazine
Work with us
PressNetworks, Public.A's group entity (www.publica.fr) is one of the certified press diffusion's societies by ACPM (ex OJD), offers to editors a unique type of promotion for their media brand. Public.A play a part in the promotion of 70 media brands and join forces with more than 40 editors (Mondadori, Lagardère, So Press, Groupe Marie Claire…).
As you can see, there's a ducks on our logo.
That is because duck is an old expression for daily newspapers. Our baseline Le canard dans tous ses états can be translate like "The duck is in one hell of a state". Why ? Because duck can be unsold, digital and new !
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